Happened, happening
Lisna Dwi Ardhini
December 11, 2011
Okay, where should I start? Ehmm, it's been quite a while. So many things happened of course. Not all good, but not all bad also. All are blesses. Okay, think I can recap some of what had happened and has been happening right now.
About work.
So far so good. I got new manager and the team has been trying to adjust with the new condition, new leading man. I try to enjoy every second of my work life. I travel quite a lot; bali, pekanbaru, dumai, duri, perawang, surabaya, lumajang, yogya and other cities. Sometimes between 2 weeks I have to travel in more than 3 cities, hahaha.. Alhamdulillah.. Here are some shots when I was in Bali.

on the plane, never forget my stylish sunglasses, hehehe

always love this view

guess where am I? hotel bathroom, hahaha

supervise the event
And here are more... I always love Bali, you know... =P

I call it travel in style, hahaha
I finally got a chance to apply to another department, in which I am really passionate about, brand. I have been interviewed twice and see what the result will be. Insya Allah, if it's my destiny, and Allah allows me to get it, I'll get it.
Another thing about work, I had been offered a position. It's a higher grade, higher salary and probably busier position. However, it's not what I want. This time I can say money is not everything. I have dream and goals in my career. If I take that way, I might get more money, but not getting closer to my goals. I've been taking an indirect path to get there, so I don't wanna be further than where I should be.
About family
My mom finally went to Mecca to do hajj. It was a short notice announcement for her, and for me of course. It's just a couple of weeks before the flight. She had to prepared all the stuffs needed in a rush, but alhamdulillah Allah made everything smoothly run. And I separated from her for 40 days! Lived at home only two of us, with my lil sis only. It's very lonely, no her wittiness, no warm moments with her, no delicious food, no mom at home. There were a lot of things happened when mom was there. One of them was she lost her cellphone, money and her ex husband, or... my dad. *sigh
Yap, when mom was doing hajj, I lost my father. It was November 3, 2011. I was on my way to a meeting in bandung when I got a phone call from my cousin telling me that my dad had passed away. For a moment, I couldn't believe it. There was no sign before, no illness, no hospital just like years ago. It was just the news that he had passed away, just like that. I had more bad memories with him that the good ones. But still he's my father. The sad thing was I couldn't cry, at all. I became speechless but didn't cry. Maybe all the things I had been through made me who I was, such a cold person with him. I was sad of course, I was just unable to cry and I couldn't pretend to cry. It's not right and it's not sincere. I forgive him and hope he's also forgiven me. Then after I saw him for the last time, I couldn't stand on my feet, I bended, I broke down and cried. That was the last time I saw him and kissed him on his forehead.
Mom knew it from her sister. I was afraid of telling her cause it might disturb her concentration. She was sad but alhamdulillah she could control herself and stayed focus. Allah has always a way to do such things. Allah took him when she was away doing hajj. They had separated but only in religion point of view but in the eyes of law, they were still husband and wife. I'm officially orphan now. Is that a bad or good thing? Dunno...
And now, mom is in the house again and start asking me on how I've prepared to get married. Okay calm down mom, it'll be soon of course. We're still on track. ;D

About love.
Hahaha, what can I say?! Allah has given me soooooooooooooo much to be thankful. I'm gonna get there anytime soon. Just wait and see... =D
About others.
On the 30th November, 2011 was a historical day for me!!! David Beckham finally visited and played in Indonesia! Yeaaaaay... Although I only watched his first leg game (cause mom also came home on that day), I was sooooooooooooooooo happy! It was a dream came true. He's my fave athlete after Ricky Subagja of course, hahahaha... He's not only a football player, he's beyond that.

one of the players is him!
There was a person who copied my writing in this blog without my permission. I don't like it cause she edited and reposted like it belongs to her. If you stop by and read this, please remove it or put my name on it cause it's my writing! Thank you.
Love u, life... =D
About work.
So far so good. I got new manager and the team has been trying to adjust with the new condition, new leading man. I try to enjoy every second of my work life. I travel quite a lot; bali, pekanbaru, dumai, duri, perawang, surabaya, lumajang, yogya and other cities. Sometimes between 2 weeks I have to travel in more than 3 cities, hahaha.. Alhamdulillah.. Here are some shots when I was in Bali.

And here are more... I always love Bali, you know... =P

I finally got a chance to apply to another department, in which I am really passionate about, brand. I have been interviewed twice and see what the result will be. Insya Allah, if it's my destiny, and Allah allows me to get it, I'll get it.
Another thing about work, I had been offered a position. It's a higher grade, higher salary and probably busier position. However, it's not what I want. This time I can say money is not everything. I have dream and goals in my career. If I take that way, I might get more money, but not getting closer to my goals. I've been taking an indirect path to get there, so I don't wanna be further than where I should be.
About family
My mom finally went to Mecca to do hajj. It was a short notice announcement for her, and for me of course. It's just a couple of weeks before the flight. She had to prepared all the stuffs needed in a rush, but alhamdulillah Allah made everything smoothly run. And I separated from her for 40 days! Lived at home only two of us, with my lil sis only. It's very lonely, no her wittiness, no warm moments with her, no delicious food, no mom at home. There were a lot of things happened when mom was there. One of them was she lost her cellphone, money and her ex husband, or... my dad. *sigh
Yap, when mom was doing hajj, I lost my father. It was November 3, 2011. I was on my way to a meeting in bandung when I got a phone call from my cousin telling me that my dad had passed away. For a moment, I couldn't believe it. There was no sign before, no illness, no hospital just like years ago. It was just the news that he had passed away, just like that. I had more bad memories with him that the good ones. But still he's my father. The sad thing was I couldn't cry, at all. I became speechless but didn't cry. Maybe all the things I had been through made me who I was, such a cold person with him. I was sad of course, I was just unable to cry and I couldn't pretend to cry. It's not right and it's not sincere. I forgive him and hope he's also forgiven me. Then after I saw him for the last time, I couldn't stand on my feet, I bended, I broke down and cried. That was the last time I saw him and kissed him on his forehead.
Mom knew it from her sister. I was afraid of telling her cause it might disturb her concentration. She was sad but alhamdulillah she could control herself and stayed focus. Allah has always a way to do such things. Allah took him when she was away doing hajj. They had separated but only in religion point of view but in the eyes of law, they were still husband and wife. I'm officially orphan now. Is that a bad or good thing? Dunno...
And now, mom is in the house again and start asking me on how I've prepared to get married. Okay calm down mom, it'll be soon of course. We're still on track. ;D

About love.
Hahaha, what can I say?! Allah has given me soooooooooooooo much to be thankful. I'm gonna get there anytime soon. Just wait and see... =D
About others.
On the 30th November, 2011 was a historical day for me!!! David Beckham finally visited and played in Indonesia! Yeaaaaay... Although I only watched his first leg game (cause mom also came home on that day), I was sooooooooooooooooo happy! It was a dream came true. He's my fave athlete after Ricky Subagja of course, hahahaha... He's not only a football player, he's beyond that.

There was a person who copied my writing in this blog without my permission. I don't like it cause she edited and reposted like it belongs to her. If you stop by and read this, please remove it or put my name on it cause it's my writing! Thank you.
Love u, life... =D